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Full Version: VServer Consulting. For Wordpress, Teamspeak3 and CSGO server?
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I am looking for someone who is familiar with vservern and can tell me if I can implement what I have before. The vserver has 50GB 1vcore 2 GBs of RAM and his own ip address and runs with Linux and Plesk on a Ubuntu 16.04 operating system.

I would like to use it to run 2 Wordpress blogs and 1 Joomla page, a TS3 server and occasionally a csgo server for training resons.

Is that feasible?
Wordpress and Teamspeak are not a problem. With CSGO I think you will get problems and you will have to assume that lags will be occur, because a CSGO server needs a lot of CPU performance. May I ask what the server should cost?
Regarding  CSGO I had already thought that the server will not run very well. I will give a try it is really only a training server. The server costs me 4 euros a month. Is cheaper and more valuable than my current web space.